I'm not gay, you are

I kissed a girl, and I liked it: Featuring Briley

Joey Robertshaw

Message Joey!

Ever wondered how a simple invitation for a beer could spark a lifelong friendship? Tune in as we chat with my best friend Briley about the unexpected ways our bond was forged amidst the hustle and bustle of the service industry. From late-night happy hours to heart-to-hearts over spin classes, our story is one of spontaneous connections and shared vulnerabilities. Whether it was trauma-dumping over drinks or cheering each other on during Spinco auditions, our friendship has been a journey of support and mutual growth.

Join us on a path of self-discovery as we explore the nuances of bisexuality and personal identity in a world that often expects conformity. I open up about my realization of being bisexual, despite the absence of same-sex relationships, and the internal conflicts I faced along the way. We'll share candid moments about societal pressures, coming out to family, and the beautiful complexity that comes with embracing one's true self. It's a raw and honest discussion about finding comfort in who you are and the beauty of unexpected encounters that lead to self-acceptance.

Laugh along with us as we dive into the world of online dating, love languages, and the quirky dynamics of masculine and feminine energies in relationships. From humorous dating app mishaps to the importance of physical touch, we ponder why modern dating platforms haven't yet incorporated love languages for better matches. We also tackle the stereotype of the "gay best friend" and reminisce about mall culture with a lighthearted nod to high-sodium food court favorites. Packed with humor and introspection, this episode promises to be a delightful mix of laughter and heartfelt reflection on genuine connections.

Follow the show on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/imnotgayyouarepodcast/

Stay tuned bi weekly (Wednesday) for a new episode from I'm not gay, you are


welcome back to. I'm not gay. You are with your host, joey, that is me, and today we have my bestie on the pod, briley, say hi, hey, bestie, how are we doing? I'm?


say hi hey bestie, how are we doing? I'm so good, how are you babe?


Good, so good, to have you here Always On this bright, bright, sunny, sunny day. Gorgeous, it's 8pm on a Saturday night it's pitch black. There's candles lit multiple candles On a Saturday night. Where's the Ouija board?


Just kidding, it's spooky season, we're getting into it.


Alrighty, we're so excited to share some of Briley's journeys and experience today, so let's get right into it.


Everybody be nice.


Let's start with how we first met. Um, because you have a better memory than me, you bought it.


You share our first memory, or your first memory of us together and and kind of how we know each other okay, um, so at the time I was still, we were both working in the service industry, um, and I would get off work from my restaurant and your work was still open, so I would frequent there for like a late night happy hour. Little wait, what was the red wine that was on happy hour?


the monvin no, the other one. Anyways, there was this wine. I can't remember the name of it. I want to say, like carnivore, it was carnivore. I used to get a nine ounce carnivore after a long shift and I noticed you there working. I think you were like in shift leader role, um, and we like spoke a few times. You would come to tables but then we both worked out at the same spin class and I would see you in class and like there was a couple times I think we just did like that nod kind of thing. And then one time we got to talking and I think at that point in your life you were kind of going through like some relationship stuff and we were just you just opened up to me a little bit and I like low-key, asked you out and was like we should grab a beer, and then we went to a brewery and like emotionally dumping on like a regular guest at the bar.


It was perfect to be honest, I've always like, manifested like a gay bestie, and I was just like. This is my opportunity to snatch up this amazing man here I am. So yeah, trauma dumping yeah, literally, and we sat at the brewery and we talked about life and I feel like that was just kind of like the olive branch of our friendship starting. Yeah over beer, over beer I think you might have gotten a cider. Let's be honest, I don't like beer, not much of a beer, dude no, I I like breweries.


I just I prefer cider. I'm a sweeter I'm a sweet treat type of guy I like, I love like a dessert, yeah, a dessert, never ever gonna knock down the opportunity to? A dairy queen run dq baby.


When did we audition for spin co?


oh yeah, that's a whole like part of chapter we've just missed let's just we'll circle back to that later.


Certain listeners aren't listening for the tea, or if they are we still want paying I am still owed my vacation and my last three classes you transfer, truly thank you anyway, okay, let's go to spin.


Go, because that was that was for me. I think that was where I remember our friendship like taking off and like kind of being one-on-one and like um, I just really saw more of you through that company and like the brand. So for anyone that doesn't know, um, me and Briley used to teach at a indoor cycling company in Canada called Spinco, and we were at a location that is not open anymore, unfortunately.


RIP Sad. It had a good run.


Yeah, and we used to ride together at another location and then we auditioned for instructors. Briley was an instructor before me and then I was going through some pretty low stuff, as Briley was an instructor before me. And then I was going through some pretty low stuff as Briley was saying, and I kind of used my emotional what would you call it?


I think, like you were very I want to use the word vulnerable and I mean that in a very like gentle and loving way but I think the vulnerability side of it actually worked in your advantage. I remember you were very I don't just want to use the word nervous, of course everyone's nervous. To hop on a bike and try to instruct for the first time, pop on that headset, like the adrenaline and nerves that go through your body is like a whole other experience. But I think I just remember really telling you like I think that this will be a really good opportunity for you to come out and do something positive for yourself. There's such like a just like a rough patch and just. I remember the audition. I actually was working um at a like care home, nursing, and I left early to come to your audition and you killed it and it was so good and the rest is history and you did amazing she went from wiping asses to wiping my ass.


I've got you on that bike and I was like do your thing, baby girl, and you slayed. It was so good. I was so proud of you. I was like in the front row like I remember it.


I remember you texting me being like I don't think I'm gonna make it and I was like, oh no, like there's nobody else here cheering me on, I'm like, oh, I'm scared.


And then, right before I was getting on the bike, you just the door opened in and I was like I don't even think I set up my bike, I just clipped in and was like let's go. Yeah, oh cute, yeah, I made that um, yeah, that was. That's a core memory that's a friendship for sure. Yeah, we just watched, we just watched inside out. So yeah, we're in the feels a little bit.


From there.


I just feel like we kind of started hanging out like in the wild and then, like I think one time In the wild, in the wild.


Well, I also moved down the street from you. I was like a block from you. Yeah, you lived close by, and then I didn't know that at the time I didn't know where you lived and like, oh, I'm just gonna move a block near you to be closer obsessed yeah yeah, like she's around here somewhere a lot, this one, I'll take this one. Uh, I so, yeah, I moved in and then I guess we just, yeah, started hanging out more and that's that and now we're here.


Here we are you're stuck with me yep, you're stuck with me. I wouldn't have it any other way.


It's perfect so that's a little bit about us, and then I kind of want to talk about you me, yeah, okay obviously I want to know a little bit about yourself, so give us a little intro to yourself hi everybody.


Um pleasure to be. I guess I'll just start with the boring basics, but not so boring, I think it's necessary. So I am the ripe age of 31. I am a Taurus and I am brunette. Does that matter? I don't know. You guys can get a little visual here Green eyes, hazel sometimes, I don't know.


Anyways, Sell it, sell it yeah.


Single my Instagram? No, I'm just kidding. Yeah, and I would say that if you were to ask me this question in my early to mid 20s, I would 100% just come out the gate and say like, oh, I'm straight and I've always dated men and I can say that still is valid at this point in my life. But, that being said, I realized kind of like mid late 20s that I had like some bi-curious situations kind of come up and that kind of just sat there for a while and then eventually I curiosity got the best of me and I had my first few encounters with women and they were good and I don't think at the time it really shifted what I wanted in terms of dating, but it definitely kind of like planted the seed of what that looked like in terms of being able to say like, oh, now I identify as bisexual and what that looks like for somebody that has never actually been in a same-sex relationship.


So yeah, so how old were you when you had your first encounter with like same-sex?


I think I was 28. Roughly we'll go with that. Um, yeah, and it was with like a very, I would say, like confidently, like an acquaintance, and it wasn't very like expected. It was kind of just one of those situations where, like we were hanging out late like a couple of drinks, and then I just remember she kissed me and and then I was like, oh was nice, like to be honest, like ladies, your lips are soft and they're not chapped and there's no beard double prickle, or like you know, it was very nice.


And then one thing led to another and there was yeah, it was an interesting experience. I remember, kind of looking back on it, just being like, oh, that was a wild night or was just kind of something that I would just reflect on, but didn't think too much about it until it was something that came up in other circumstances that I did not pass the opportunity on.


So so like at this point now, like confidently, do you feel like you're like bisexual or like what's your sexual orientation? Like do you?


feel like you're like bisexual or like what's your sexual orientation like.


I think this is where I have a little bit of a hard time, because I feel like we've chatted about this like off the mic as well, just in terms of the community and like is it valid to say, someone who has never been in a same-sex relationship, who has had, you know, more than one, like multiple experiences with the same sex, to say, like confidently, like I identify as bi, but I have never actually gone and made an effort to go and even attempt to be in a same-sex relationship? Like I would say confidently, like I do feel, like I identify as bi, like I am attracted to women? I think women are so many things. They are beautiful. Their energy, just the range and what a woman can bring to the table is so beautiful and I think that it would actually make for a really interesting relationship and I don't say interesting as like a negative thing.


I think it would be a very safe space to be with a woman. I just feel like at this point in my life I've only ever found myself gravitating towards men. Ew, I know, but it's just the way it's been for me. And so it's like I know that they say it doesn't count if you've never and by they I just mean I'm just summarizing what I've seen on the internet or like the community saying you know if your social norms yeah and stuff like that and like does that, like where do I fall in?


because I feel like I've gone past the curiosity of exploring and actually put myself into situations where I've been able to do it and can confidently say like it wasn't a regret, like there was zero regret that came with those experiences. And so, yeah, I would say I am bi. I don't really think I've ever had like a formal coming out and I don't even think this is it even to yeah, you guys get the cake guys, someone.


Where's the spark? Where's the streamers? Where's?


the cake? Where's the? I don't even pinata, yeah um but yeah, I think you know what I have actually told my siblings and I feel I have two younger brothers and I feel like one of them was like okay, yeah, you know, we've all been there in terms of different experiences with and like life experiences. And then when I said, well, no, like it was actually like blank.


Many times he goes oh okay, cool it was something that you like returned to a couple times.


Yeah, revisited, you know it wasn't like a sloppy, like end of the night, drunk kiss, like there was multiple experiences in which I, like, I said took the opportunity to explore and did and enjoyed, and so I think one of them was kind of like cool yo, that.


And the other one I don't think and again I could be lying Maybe he did take me seriously, but I don't think he was as like quick to be like okay, yeah sure, but I don't think he was as like quick to be like okay, yeah sure, but in terms of like parents or stuff like that, I never sat them down and said any type of thing. I think I might have casually mentioned it at like a family gathering again.


So just like casual that I don't really think they took.


I don't know, do you think they'd be shocked if they heard this and they're like oh, I feel, yeah, I think it would be like a little bit of a remix, because I don't really think that there's, and I don't think that there's any perfect write up or drop in what I think the cookie cutter example of someone, like a woman being bi, looks like, but I don't really think there's been really any clues or like circumstances that would lead up to them being able to confidently say like oh, I saw that coming. I think for my friends and my close friends, I would say they could probably say yeah, sure, yeah.


But, I don't think, in terms of family, that I think they would, yeah, probably be a little taken back.


Going back to what you were saying before, when you were saying you know, like societal norms and um, that we set off Mike and stuff chatting about, like people saying, just because you've only you know you're not in a relationship with a woman or like a same-sex relationship, that does that like devalue your orientation and how you see yourself. Like does that even make you bi or bisexual, you curious? Like I think that there's power in knowing who you are and it shouldn't matter what people think you know outside or outside of your relationships. And you know, if people want to have those opinions, that's all they are their opinions and people don't necessarily need to share them. And like I just find that most people shouldn't really be interjecting on what defines a gay person or, you know, a bisexual person or a straight person.


Or anyone in general really. Like I truly think that other people's opinions of me aren't my business and it is easier said than done. It is easier said than done, but I think, like in this context, it also is relevant because it's like it's really not their place to say oh well, like you said, it doesn't count, or it? Is not authentic when that's just true to me and where I'm at right now.


So totally, and all we're here to do is just kind of like share experiences and how it makes us feel and hopefully that more.


Maybe that aligns with somebody listening and they're totally. I'd be so curious if there's other girlies in the same boat who have, you know, maybe even not crossed that threshold. Maybe they're sitting in the situation where I was a few years back, where they're just like curious but haven't actually dove into the curidasi or have only ever been with men, and like curious as to what it looks like to even just have an experience, let alone look at it as a possibility of totally you know a relationship, the real deal and you're the first woman, your first girlie, on the podcast.


I'm so excited, so honored yeah, of course you have to be here.


You're my best friend yeah like this is uh, this is great, it's uh, it's kind of weird, though, like it's not strange, like I know, obviously I'm, I'm your best friend, like I know most of this about you already, but I feel like I'm interviewing oh yeah, I'm like, I guess like for my best friend, you know what I mean it's like, and obviously your answers are like on point, like to to what I'm, I know and everything too, so like and I, yeah, I just, I just don't want to yeah. I hope you're comfortable.


Of course, Okay good.


I just don't want to make sure that I'm asking anything that could be like.


No, you're good, I think it's funny because I have heard the term like a gay awakening and you know in the setting of like when was your gay awakening?


and you know, in the setting of like, when was your gay awakening or what was like a specific moment. And I feel like it's funny because if I actually take time to think about it, I just think about the scene from the original, like one of the original Transformers movies with Megan Fox, and she's like, if you know, you know, you guys, listeners, you know what I'm talking about. She's like bent over the hood of the car and she's tanned and she's in this tight little jean short situation with like her tummy out, and I was like jaw to the floor, like more than just she looks good, I was like holy shit, like yeah.


I would, you know, and it was just like it's funny, because those kind of things haven't really come up a ton. But I've had like other experiences where you know, like little moments where I've been like, am I like?


she was awoke yeah, she woke today you're on online dating platforms on and off, you know the usual it's honestly the trenches.


If you're from vancouver, it is rough out there. It is a shallow puddle. There are no, I don't even know I. It's bad. It's bad. I was not cut out for war. This is horrible. Like I go on and off these apps bi-weekly, but here we are back again we love the delete and then the oh always.


I'm like never again I'm just focusing on myself and then it's a random tuesday account though for me, and then it like you have to remake your account and to go find the photos that I'm like damn it, what was on there where I looked?


good, oh yeah, that's the one I should just create my own little folder in my phone.


That's like hinge yeah, the hinge photos, my top five.


And that would be your profile of choice or, sorry, your platform of choice hinge um, I've used hinge and I've used bumble and then for I'm not exaggerating about an hour and a half I had tinder until a man came up in like a full mcdonald's costume standing outside of wendy's, and I was like that's enough for tonight and forever, and I deleted my profile, like I said, men um, don't forget where you started, though mcdonald's I don't call me out like that. I went to mcdonald's.


I drank the kool-aid hard when it came to mcdonald's.


Yeah, the fruitopia oh, half fruitopia, half spray that was the kool-aid, that was I mean that was my kool-aid, but yeah did you ever have to clean the shake machine? No, it just would like not work. Oh god, that would just pass on the information. Anyone gay?


you might have lube. You gotta put on that thing, jesus I don't know.


I think they had a guy that came and did it, but it didn't work often. Stop that. I know I had to always give the bad news no ma'am. Yeah, we came for the big flurries. I'm so sorry the ice cream machine's down again liars and never forget where you're from, baby never, never forget where you first flourished.


It's not a flurry if it's made in a hurry oh oh, I have them all. Clean floor is a clean store mine. Oh time to leave my ptsd.


Was time to clean I had 90 second drive through. Time was my manager's expectation of me from the time that the car drove up to order to the time they got their bag of food and when I. I think this is a part of the reason that I was just so stressed the right most people.


It takes 89 seconds to order yeah, that's the one second food delivery at the other window and then out it was not always a realistic goal. Well, you've been to tim hortons? Yes, they crush their drive-thru times, throw the order at you, but unfortunately, you're wearing your coffee you get to the and your bagel belts on the hood of your car yeah, and your ice cap is melted on the floor diarrhea by the time you get it. They made it three days ago.


Let me tell you from experience you don't want to do the ice cap and farmers wrap combo together because that is a one-way ticket to the bathroom you have a lot of one-way tickets.


The bathroom we're not talking about that your online dating profile is set to just men right now it is so is it because you see yourself like long term with them, with a guy or with like a, like a masculine figure or I think what it's a good point you just made about the term like masculine and I think that can be used in a lot of different contexts. I feel like in my experience with women I find myself very much channeling like masculine energy, and I don't necessarily mean like appearance, I mean like actual energy. I feel like if we were to put rules I don't actually know if there's a top and a bottom in a girl-on-girl relationship but I feel like I would be the top, like I give, like if I had a dick it would be massive, like I just give off big chick energy. Like one of my experiences with a girl we went back to her house, we had some fun and she fell asleep and I called myself an uber and I kissed her on the forehead when I left and I walked out and.


I was like, oh my gosh, I understand why these men do this and it was like I don't want to say toxic, but it was just so weird that that's what I gravitated towards. And then, like, even in other experiences, like I just found myself being I don't want to use the word dominant and like like controlling or any way like that, but I just found it was easy to kind of lean into like a masculine energy, and I feel like in a lot of ways, I've had to do that in relationships with men too, and it's hard because you really, like I truly do want to be what you fuck them.


I mean like my energy has just been, like I've taken the role, or like the lead in terms of a lot of things because, it.


It's safe for me to do that because then I feel like there's not a lot of letdown in terms of expectations. But I would love to be in a position where I'm in a relationship, whether that is with a man or woman, that I can really lean into my feminine, like, my feminine side, like my soft side, you know, like my soft girl era, all those things you want to, you hear and you see on the internet. Like I truly do want to lean into a more like feminine, soft, like loving version of myself. But I feel like it was very easy in my experience to be like a little bit more of like wear the pants, you know.


Yeah. What do you think you need in a partner to bring out the more feminine side in you, as quoted, or like the loving and nurturing side of you? Like, what do you think that you're missing in a relationship that might bring out the femme?


I think it's cheesy, but a lot of it stems for me with my love languages. I just think I found myself in relationships where compatibility in general hasn't been there, but I've also not been um receiving love in the way that I feel loved, and so I think that that's just like a huge foundation in any relationship. But I find like, the more I don't receive love in the way that I like to receive it and for those that want to know, I'm very big on like words of affirmation, um, so like I need to, even in friendships, like I'll be like you love me.


Like do you still want to be my friend? Like, do we still get to hang out this weekend?


we're not there anymore. We passed that barrier, but we were there.


Yeah, I remember it yeah, and I know in summons like it can feel maybe like clingy or needy and that's also like a big fear of mine is to be too much or a lot to handle and like that's a whole other topic.


But I think when I'm not feeling affirmed emotionally from a partner, it makes it really hard because then I feel like I almost and makes it really hard because then I feel like I almost, yeah, have to like take over or will do things or say things, so that basically, like I just have to like affirm myself and then that takes away from the point. Like I want someone to bring out this like soft side of me that knows that I'm loved or valued or fill in the blank on whatever feels good to you and that you need to hear, to feel in like a safe space. So I think ultimately it would be nice to find a partner that can match those love languages and makes an effort to do that throughout a relationship this far in life, do you feel like any man have been able to like give you that and like provide that for you?


I think to some degree, but a lot of it comes with prompting and also me like almost having to ask, and then, when the situations would come up and they would do it, it felt Forced yeah, disenjongous yeah. I had to ask for this. Basically, I had to give you a handbook on how to love me, which then, just like, brings out wounds of like I'm not lovable or like I'm difficult to like this shouldn't be so hard, like I feel.


Like you know you hear people say it all the time like when you meet the right partner, whatever that looks like, in whatever capacity, whether it's platonic love, like in a friendship, or even family members, like they should know how to love you, and I think that people that genuinely want a place in your life should understand the importance of how that person wants to love and like, be and receive love and like, make an effort to do that.


I just, yeah, I don't think entirely, I think in some aspects, but not enough for me to be, yeah, like, truly like my soft girl side which, underneath, like the exterior that I think I put on sometimes like very scentsy you are very in touch with your sensitive side.


I would, as are you. You're not a water sign, I'm an earth sign. I don't even know, like I only know. This is the thing. You're a water sign because, no, I'm a fire aries. Yeah, that's the thing. Is you only really know your own sign? Right, we confirmed it's an earth sign. It's the first earth sign in the zodiac and second sign. Overall yeah overall of what?


of the signs no, it's not.


They're not ranked from like first you're like I'm second. That's not winner, that winner instinct in you.


You're like I'm oh my gosh, I'm so competitive, I'm first.


I'm the first of this zodiac and I'm the second in everything else so I'm just a winner, practically winner I love that.


Going back to something you said before you were talking about, people should know how to love you. Do you think people nowadays are more aware of like love languages and like kind of just like what they all are Like? Do you think that men educate themselves and women or like anyone to be honest? Do you think people educate themselves on the love languages out there and like understand that like people really do represent, like these languages represent people and how they accept and receive love and value in a relationship?


I honestly always bring this up when I'm in like the dreaded talking phase with someone is I will usually kind of I do it in like a light-hearted way in some, in like most instances, because I don't want it to be this like big, heavy topic, but it is important. So I'll usually just be like, oh, what are your top three love languages? Because I feel most of them do overlap and there's like in my experience there is multiple that tend to fall like, I would say, the top ones. I hear often, especially from men who you know I've had majority of my experience with, will all say like physical touch I knew you're gonna say that yeah, the first one's like my dick yeah, like you're not sucking.


We're not sucking my dick.


Sucking we're not sucking my dick if you're not sucking my dick, babe, get out. There's the door, like you know, and it's just you know. I was thinking more of like a hand on the leg while in the passenger seat in the car because we love a passenger princess moment. I want that hand on my thigh, maybe a little squeeze yeah, I. Want you to hold my hand in public.


You know we can talk about hair pull, yeah, in a private setting, but for the most part it's just, you know, yeah, but it doesn't have to necessarily be a sexual thing. Like physical touch is just, yeah, like someone is physically there.


I think that one comes up a lot like movie night, yeah, anything or listening, like, even if you don't have anything to say, just like the physical presence of sitting next to someone is so important and, I think, so monumental in so many ways, like think about all those you know little videos that you see that will say, like showing up matters, and I'll be like a kid looking in the crowd for their parent to come to that like really lame school play that they're about to be in and they look out in the crowd and they see their parent or whoever it is that they're waiting for, and their eyes light up.


It's like it really does matter, like when you show up yeah, and I think, oh yeah, that's.


I never really thought about that. It's so important. Why don't dating apps have like uh, in the profile? Why is it not like installed yet in the profiles? Like you know, like what are your top three love languages? Or like why do you think, why do? Why don't you think that's like available? I know, are they sleeping on this? Like?


I feel like we should copyright this right now, um director of hinge. You're missing out.


Yeah, I just, I love, I'm just like attacking hinge because it's the literal worst in my experience but I think that that would actually be a really good thing to add to any platform for people looking for connections, because it yeah, in my experience, I just feel like it's so important well, I mean, if there's like listen right, if, if tinder is doing or hinge or any of these online dating platforms are doing what they're supposed to be doing and matching your profiles to people that are supposed to be compatible for you then why are we not putting that in there?


I don't know, and like if you're saying that I, you know, my love languages are you didn't say this but physical touch, words of affirmation and then gifting Say those are the three that you put in affirmation, and then gifting say let's, those are the three that you put in.


Those three should match somebody else's or maybe what they're willing or how they show their love, right, like maybe there's like a compatibility, like, um, something there where they can, I don't know, like the, the opponent, that's a really good point, because I know that it's not necessarily one of my languages of like receiving gifts, but I love to give gifts like handwritten cards, thoughtful birthday gifts, christmas I turn into a freaking elf and I just love finding like little things that I'm like. I remember they said that they like this or that that was their favorite or?


oh my gosh, they were talking about wanting to read this book and so I got it for you. Like to me, like those things are enjoying, like I enjoy doing those types of things. Enjoying I enjoy doing those types of things. So I wouldn't necessarily need someone to give me gifts, like it's always nice, for sure, but I enjoy, enjoy gift giving. So, for someone who does really value giving, getting gifts as a way of feeling loved, like like you said, that would be the perfect opportunity to maybe potentially match to people up where, like yeah, I don't know, I think you're onto something like daddy, I need a porsche yeah, or like I don't really feel like paying rent this month.


Yeah, literally, uh, yeah, groceries, that's gonna give me the right crowd.


You know, potentially I don't really feel like paying rent this month. Yeah, literally yeah, groceries. That's going to give me the right crowd. You know, potentially I don't know whether they're I think they're missing the mark a little bit.


I feel they are. I don't think they match anymore.


Is that what they do? Is that ever been the intention? Or I think it's just like populates everyone in your area.


I don't think the intention was ever to like match people to you being like these qualities that you have, they're looking for, or I mean, I think that in some ways they try to because, like I know, hinge has this feature which I hate, and it says like most compatible, but it doesn't say why it thinks you're most compatible and it will just match you with like gremlins and you're just.


it kind of hurts your ego for our final point, we'll talk about, uh, the gay best friend myths the myths of the gay bestie yeah, yeah, are there any myths?


I don't know. Actually I feel like stereotypical. It's always like the girl's girl, you know, can shoot the shit with the girlies, go shopping, talk about things that maybe you're, you know, heterosexual Is that the right word? Man, friends aren't going to want to chat with you about like, on some level there's qualities that are just like a little bit more geared towards like femininity. Is that fair to say?


yeah, like more femme energy, yeah, um, and just really safe, like I just think the concept of having a friendship with the opposite sex, not feel any other way than just genuine love and care and like just platonic um is not super common, like I know of friendships where you know people have really close, like male or female friends and vice versa, but I think it doesn't always work out a lot of the time because of whatever someone catches, feelings or whatever cheesy tv series what wrong comes.


You've been watching recently um no, I agree, though I think that, um, I think, like the gay best friend you know myths or whatever I feel like when I kind of brought that up, I think it's important that, like we address, um, the, the genuinity, and like the relationship and the friendship first as well. Like I feel like, you know, like some of these older movies and stuff like stereotypical, would be like oh, grab your gay best friend and let's go for manicures, and or, right, like I feel like gay, the gay best friend was almost like an object, it was like a purse that you would wear an accessory, yeah, the perfect accessory I mean I mean you are the perfect accessory, but to life baby yeah, yeah, this is.


This is for life, this isn't just for the mall I honestly hate the mall. We've grown out of the mall phase yeah, like I'm sick of manchu walk, but anyways like the food court.


I'm like pardon, is that a new store? I'm so out to date of the trends. Have you ever been?


no to manchu walk.


No, oh my god, you've never had mall chinese food I feel like I have, but I feel like it also give me food poisoning no, it's so high in sodium you'll be running for the tap you'll be running for the tap.


You need to drink lots of water. Yeah, I just eat it and then I feel skinny because I've got no more water in my body.


I'm not sure how that worked.


I don't think that's quite how the electrolyte system works, but anyway yeah, just one one buffet combo from manchu walk and I'm I'm out of commission zero yeah, and on the toilet all night all night liquid last question before we sign off here what do you? Why do guys like girl on girl? I Like you obviously this is stemming from your conversation then, when your ex was like, yeah, I'm okay with you, like wanting to explore, like cause, you were like and he was like of course I'm okay with it, like you know, like what?


is what is that? I think that it's funny that you say that, because I feel for most and again, I can't speak on behalf of men in general but I think I can summarize that I feel the majority of men when they think of having a bisexual girlfriend, they just think that they're going to have a third involved in the relationship all the time it's just going to be a revolving door of women. They don't know that they're the one that's not they don't understand that, like babe, you ain't getting in on the action.


You can sit in the corner and you can watch yeah, because your pants on reading a book bring me snacks no I, I mean again, I think that would come down to the dynamics of the relationship and what if you wanted your partner involved that, etc. But I think I mean, obviously, like women are just hot, like I can confidently say that, like that's the only porn I've ever watched is just girl on girl, but like okay, that's fair, but, like, when it comes to like guys, like gay men, like of course, I, only I, I'm confusing myself, I'm I don't know, I'm tripping myself up.


So do girls only watch girl on girl too?


I don't think so. I personally feel like, from my conversations with people that have obviously been in a space to talk about our recent porn searches, I don't think it's.


I think it's common, but I don't think oh, every woman only watches that, especially like whether they're straight by or not, like I think most people like the idea of having a man involved because I guess I'm like overthinking this and now I think I've just like answered my own question, but I guess, like girl on girl, because the straight guy likes women, why would he want to see any another naked man? Maybe?


right, I don't actually know like, I just know it's, it's just hot thanks for being here you're so welcome.


Thanks for having me yeah, thanks for sharing your stories, your experiences and hopefully, someone's listening out there and maybe they feel the same way. Maybe they're like we're team briley, how do we? Only team to be your baby, because we're winners that's right, because if you're an earth sign, you're a winner you're a winner and remember I'm not gay.


You are.


That's right bitch.

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